Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 8: H (update)

HAIR: So, I bit the bullet and went to get my hair cut and colored, taking the Chinese Teacher with the best English with me. She talks to the hairdresser for a little bit, and then asks me, "Do you want the treatment that costs 70, 90, 120, or 150?" I was a bit confused and said that I'd just go ahead and pay for the one that works. Is that a crazy notion? Anyway, she talks to the hairdresser some more and tells me that the hairdresser will offer me a deal of a color treatment for 100, with a free haircut. Bargaining is everywhere in China, even, it appears, at the hairdresser's.

The end result is that I am here with a $14 color and cut. The hair is tingeing toward orange and the cut isn't as short as I wanted it, but the man I tutor said he liked it because it is smoothly. That can't be all bad, can it? Wouldn't you like smoothly hair?

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