Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 51: Y

This post is dedicated to my sister who is YEARNING for me to, for once in my life, finish a project.

YIKES! Upon my return home, besides weeds, weeds and more weeds, I also found a human head in my flower bed! Thanks to my brave brother-in-law who retrieved it for me (I thought it was a giant fungus and didn't want to deal with it), I now have an Easter-Island-worthy guardian of my back drive. But now I'd really love to know how it ended up in my garden.

I'm back in academic mode, so I thought I'd introduce some obscure Y words. Here are the precious little dears that I have been looking after the last two weeks. I'm happy to report that they don't YAFF (to bark like a snarling dog), nor, contrary to their appearance, do they YIP or YAP.

Mamma, whom I captured YAWNING in this action shot, did just vomit, though, as I was typing up this post. Oh, how many paper towels I will save when the girls go home to their parents tomorrow!

Somewhere in these trashcans full of my YARD detritus must be the poison ivy which is now making me YEUK (to itch or scratch).

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You have made me very happy to almost finish this project. One more letter to go!!
