Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 32: F

Week F brings us to Japan! Konnichiwa! I have arrived in Nagoya, the fourth largest city in Japan. With Toyota and Mitsubishi based here, it is called the Detroit of Japan (please insert Detroit-bashing joke here), but so far I have found it very pleasant. Today we went to the Nagoya Castle, the one big tourist attraction in town.

FIRST, a FEW F words in Italian, and then some in English.

FIUME: This little river and pathway is located just half a block from my apartment.

FOGLIE: We were so fortunate to arrive while the FOGLIE of the cherry trees were still in bloom. Rain is predicted for the next three days, so we raced out to take pictures of the cherry blossoms. You see that we were not alone in appreciating the blossoms. Whole families were picknicking in the park.

FLOWERS: Who knew that you could combine the treasures of Holland and Japan?

FISH, Koi. Well, I haven't had any fish (of the sushi variety) yet, so I thought I'd try to take a picture of the Koi fish in the pond.

FUTON: My (very) efficiency apartment features a futon, of course. I'm okay sleeping on the futon, but the jury is still out on the pillow. It is tiny and filled with what feels like beans. It is supposed to be good for my neck, but I'm not so sure.....


  1. The trees look beautiful! Thank you for your photos. I'd love to see pictures of your apartment if you can stand back far enough to get it in your viewfinder!

  2. Visiting Japan at cherry blossom time. *sigh* I am so insanely jealous of you...

  3. Che bello !!!!! ORA ti invidio per ... ma si mangia SI?
