Thursday, April 1, 2010

A walk to Maglione

Just three kilometers away is the little town of Maglione. With just 500 inhabitants, it would seem to be little more than a small blip on the map. However, beginning in 1985 a famous director (who lived here with his even more famous wife, the singer Milva) started an initiative called the outdoor museum. He invited artists to create al fresco murals on the walls of the town and sculptors to create public artworks. Every year, artists come and add a few new pieces. It seems that every place you turn you see a new piece of art. There are, at last count, at least 115 pieces floating about the town.  Here's a sampling.

Anyone care for an ESPRESSO?

Even/Especially one of the churches is decorated.

A little sculpture.

Drat the shadows. This is one of my favorites.

I love the mountains, so for me one of the prettiest sights in the town is the view of fresh snow on the Alps.


  1. what heaven! every town should look like this. i'd love to have that red dress/handbag painting for the side of our house!

  2. I murales di Maglione sono stupendi!!!!! ma
    scendi di 2 km e troverai una grande metropoli di 5000 abitanti con nientepopodimeno che un grande MERCATO!!!!!
