Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 5: E (continued)

EXPECTORATE: (v) to discharge matter from the throat or lungs by hawking, coughing or spitting. Used in a sentence:
--It is a common custom to expectorate in China.
--Do you understand how crazy it is to blame a few Americans living here for the rapid spread of the H1N1 virus when everyone expectorates in China?
--The new alarm clock: everyone expectorating outside my window.
--Disgusting! Was that a young woman expectorating?
--When you hear someone beginning to expectorate, walk faster; you never know where the "discharged matter" will land.

Hi! I just had to "spit out" a quick post. Happy Saturday.


  1. Is this something you might ever get used to??!?

  2. No! I told my roommate that one day friends will come visit her and she will defend the spitting (like I defend no ice in Italy), but then we both agreed that we will never get over it.
