Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 8: H

HAIR salons: Hair salons are everywhere. On our little street alone, there must be five or six of them. Each one advertises with bright, neon columns. Given my great ability to communicate in Chinese, I might be growing my hair out for the next four months rather than try to explain how I want my hair cut.
HORSES and female mounted police: I went to Xinghai Square twice to try to get a picture of Dalian's famous female mounted police officers, but they weren't around. These women have to pass a beauty requirement to be assigned to mounted patrol, and tourists from all around take pictures of them. I'll keep trying to catch them in the square....

HALLOWEEN: Well, I forced myself to go to Pizza Hut to see what their little Halloween give-away was all about. Yeah, that and to eat a personal pan pizza.
Halloween came a little early in my class today as we played the mummy-wrap game. (Notice the great uniforms on the kids. Wouldn't it have been great to have gone to school in these comfy clothes? The black uniforms are for a private bi-lingual school, but the blue uniform is what you see almost every child in Dalian wearing on the streets.)

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