Monday, March 1, 2010

Red Lantern Festival

To mark the end of spring festival (a misnomer, to be sure, as I woke up this morning to cars trying to make their way up our icy, snowy hill), there are even more celebrations and FIREWORKS.

If you ever see a Chinese person on the Fourth of July who looks particularly sad or particularly smug, I know why. Last night I saw, by far, the best fireworks display ever. It lasted for 30 minutes and for every single minute of it I thought it had to be the grande finale. Fountains of lights going off on the ground, all sorts of beautiful combinations of different things going off over the sea. It was beautiful. Then, afterward, regular people set off fireworks in the street that would be the headline fireworks for a small town in America, I'm sure. Sorry, America, but you don't hold a (Roman) candle to China's fireworks.

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