Sunday, March 28, 2010

A walk to Moncrivello

I took advantage of the beautiful spring weather to visit Moncrivello, the neighboring town. Just about a 30-minute walk away, it is nestled on the one little hill in the area. The castle was closed, but I did get a picture of this castle-like tower.

A 16th-century church, one of about five that I saw in this small town.

A nice campanile -- part of the main church.

And, of course, a deserted street. I don't know if people see me coming and they all hide, or if I just choose odd times to visit towns, but on my little walk I came across about 10 people out and about. Maybe there was an important soccer game on TV?

Buona domenica! (Happy Sunday!)


  1. WOW, che belle gita!!! A Moncrivello....:)
    Ma ci sei andata da sola?


  2. Dear Ravelings,
    I am an architect of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and I am doing a research on an old building called "Villa of Del Carretto" in the village of Moncrivello (Italy).
    I noticed you have published a beautiful picture of the campanile of the main church, captured from the city hall's park.
    To go further in the researches, I would need some more pictures of this park: do you have more? In this case, would you be so kind to send them to my e-mail address
    Thank you in advance and congratulations for your interesting blog.

