Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Return to X

XI'AN. Home of the terracotta warriors. As the self-proclaimed eighth wonder of the world, it is a must-see. I'm so happy that I went yesterday when the kids had just returned to school after the Spring Festival and the tourist season was not in full swing. I had the place to myself. I'm sure that it was quite a different experience from the summer when the average temperature is 100 degrees and it is packed with people.

A highlight of the trip: I saw the farmer who found the site while digging a well. They only paid him $4 for the land back in the 1970s, but now he gets about a $300 stipend every month. For that amount, he has to show up at the museum and autograph books. He must be the most famous farmer in the world, right?

Some amazing facts:
1. Approximately 8,000 warriors and horses
2. Dating from 210 b.c.
3. Archeologists believe that many sites still haven't been unearthed 
4. All the the figures were painted at one time
5. Every figure has different facial features, facial hair, and outfits; they represented soldiers, archers, generals, musicians and acrobats
6. The project was completed in less than 15 years
7. The detail! The back of this archer even has treads on the bottom of the shoes

How was it kept a secret for so many years? After finding a mound of human remains, archeologists believe that the specialized craftsmen working on the project were burnt alive.  And you thought your boss was bad.

1 comment:

  1. Rob is studying this in Social Studies just this week! We are going to share your blog with his teacher.
