Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 27: A (again)

Ciao! sono ARRIVATA in Italia. Here is a view of the ALPI from my bedroom window.

A quick, three-hour trip to the south (fortunately, not in this AUTOMOBILE):

...and all of a sudden, we are surrounded by tropical vegetation and ALBERI:

AL LAVORO. And you ask me why I don't want to have an 8-5 job in a cubicle when this can be my office in Italy? (Yes, that is the Mediterranean Sea and, yes, I am aware how lucky I am.)

"B" is going to be BIG. Something I've been waiting for for 23 years.


  1. I recognize many of these sights and it brings back wonderful memories! Did you pick up a black rock with the perfect white stripe for me to add to my collection?

  2. Bisnonno/bisnonna? Ballerina? Berlusconi? No, no. Probably not Berlusconi. Hm, I give up. Unless it's a city...
